About Us

Wildscape's Goal Is To Benefit Kansans

We’re a “Kansas Only” organization with all funds raised staying in the state. No monies raised are sent out of state to support national parent organizations, and no fundraising companies are used to take a percentage of the funds they help raise.

The establishment of the Kansas Wildscape Foundation was authorized by the legislature in 1990 in coordination with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.

The legislation authorized the establishment of an independent 501c3, tax-exempt foundation dedicated to raising funds and accepting other tax-deductible donations to benefit wildlife and outdoor recreation needs in Kansas.

The Foundation was officially founded on February 15, 1991 and became operational on August 1, 1991.

Mission Statement

To create and promote outdoor opportunities in Kansas.

Vision Statement

To be an active and growing contributor to conserving and perpetuating the land, the wild species and the rich beauty of Kansas for the use and enjoyment of all.

Strategic Direction

To encourage conservation and responsible use of natural resources by promoting a positive Kansas outdoor ethic. This will be accomplished through education efforts and awareness programs primarily focused on Kansas’ youth.

Work to enhance access to, and enjoyment of, both public and private land for outdoor recreation use with respect for the rights and desires of landowners.

Provide leadership in bringing together interested parties to advance Kansas’ outdoor recreation opportunities.

Work with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and other public and private sector entities in pursuit of their missions.

Generate revenue for its activities primarily from the private sector but may seek public funding for projects and specifically identified programs.

Bite Kayak Photo
Bite Kayak View

Kayak Raffle!!!

The Jackson Bite FD has a retail value of $3,000. Tickets for the raffle are one for $20, three for $50, or seven for $100. All money raised stays in Kansas to benefit Wildscape’s programs and projects, many of which focus on Kansas youth. One lucky winner will be selected at random on or after April 15, 2025. The kayak will need to be picked up in the general vicinity of the Wichita or Kansas City Area as agreed to by Wildscape and the winning entry.

Frank Eilert Memorial Contribution

To donate to the Kansas Wildscape Foundation in honor of Frank Eilert, please use the button below.