Congratulations to Overland Park’s Susan Bast!!! She had the winning ticket in Wildscape’s Fishing Package Fundraiser. In fact, she bought multiple tickets on behalf of three grandchildren she takes fishing “as often as possible.” Great!!! A special thanks to Susan and everyone who donated and remember, all money raised will be used on outdoor projects in Kansas, for Kansans!! Thank you!!!
Warmer temperatures are right around the corner and with spring comes LOTS of good fishing opportunities. Most Kansas Master Angler awards are caught in the next couple months and it’s a great time to experience Kansas outdoors.
To raise money for several Kansas fishing programs (Great Kansas Fishing Derby, Becoming an Outdoors Woman Workshops, Outdoor Kansas for Kids, and others), Wildscape is offering a fishing package with a value of more than $175 to put you on the fast track to a great fishing trip at your favorite honey hole.
Get a single ticket now for a $5 donation, three chances for a $10 donation, or get five entries for a $20 donation. All money raised will be used for Wildscape’s programs in Kansas for Kansans. One winner will be drawn at random on or after April 7, 2023, and the package shipped to their home.
To donate to the Kansas Wildscape Foundation in honor of Frank Eilert, please use the button below.